1z0-965 Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud 2017 Implementation Essentials Exam Certification Training & Placements in Chennai ISQL GLOBAL (Free Exam Materials) - Call Now - User.
“1Z0 – 965” Oracle Global Human Resources Cloud 2017 Implementation Essentials Training & Placements in Oracle Authorized Training Institute in Chennai “ISQL GLOBAL”
(Government of India Approved Education Center – SQL Star. Oracle Authorized Training – ISQL Global)
(The Course Materials and Course Completion Certificates are directly delivered from Oracle University to those required for Foreign Opportunity)
Benefits of Certification
"If two people with roughly the same background and experience are going for the same job, the certified person will usually get to the top of the HR pre-screening file. Certification gives an employee the edge."
- Hans Forbrich, CEO, Forbrich Computing, provider of Oracle Certification
Why Certify?
Earn a well-respected credential to demonstrate IT expertise in the marketplace.
Gain a competitive advantage by developing a skill set that's in demand, worldwide. Join the 80% of Oracle certification holders who reported a promotion, salary increase or other career improvements.
What can an Oracle certification do for you?
Competitive Advantage
The rigorous process of becoming Oracle certified makes you a better technologist. The knowledge you gain through Oracle authorized training in Chennai and practice will significantly expand your skill set and increase your credibility when interviewing for jobs. The work & study required to prepare for certification exams broadens your knowledgeby exposing you to a wide variety of essential functions, features & tasks. Earn a well-respected credential to gain a competitive advantage in the IT job market.
Career Growth
97% of the Global Fortune 500 companies use Oracle software. The se companies need skilled technologists to implement, develop and administer critical systems. Earning an Oracle certification from Oracle Authorized Training in Chennai equips you with these in demand skills, making you a more marketable candidate
Salary Advancement
Companies value skilled workers. According to Oracle's 2012 salary survey, more than 80% of Oracle Certified individuals reported a promotion, compensation increase or other career improvements as a result of becoming certified.
Opportunity and Credibility
The skills and knowledge you gain by becoming certified will lead to greater confidence and increased career security. Your expanded skill set will also help unlock opportunities with employers and potential employers.